Шаблон:XML document format template Face

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Дополнительная информация
Roles Table 3
consignee N O Details in table 3.1
consignor N O Details in table 3.1
department department responsible for the document N O Details in table 3.1
org organization N R Details in table 3.1
partner partner / customer / executor N R Details in table 3.1
user orgnization user responsible for the document N O Details in table 3.1
participants Table 3.1
id participants ID A O
ext_id identifier for the external system A O
type participants type A R org / bussinesman / employee / department
title participants title A R
org organization details N (xor1) O Details in table 3.2
businessman businessman details N (xor1) O Details in table 3.3
employee employee details N (xor1) O Details in table 3.5
department department details N (xor1) O Details in table 3.6
org Table 3.2
inn primary taxpayer identifier N O
kpp secondary taxpayer identifier N O
code department code N O
country country code N O
address_string official address N O
actual_address_string N O
email N O
phone N O
businesman Table 3.3
last_name N O
first_name N O
middle_name N O
inn primary taxpayer identifier N O
code department code N O
country country code N O
address_string official address N O
actual_address_string N O
email N O
phone N O
employee Table 3.4
last_name N O
first_name N O
middle_name N O